Concord Ministry Letters began as a way to keep in contact with and encourage men I knew in PreTrial and were convicted, sent to Prisons. That expanded to some of their families and others I have known to surfer heavy problems. They are not all Christians. Some are still seeking. Several are Islamic Imans - Ministers. The letters are sent each mouth but only a few are included here.
I found the average inmate is a normal man, more foolish than evil. While our crime rate is comparable to other nations, we incarcerate about 8 times as many people per capita. There are almost no programs inside to assist inmates to be productive citizens when released.
There are few work, training, educational opportunities for inmates. Spend as little as possible on inmates is the mantra. The only thing many are good for when they get out is crime. But then almost no one is willing to give them a chance to earn a living.
Nearly 25% of our inmates are mentally ill. The result of the "do gooder" and "don't waste tax money" forces that put 500,000 Mental Hospital patients on the street years ago. Mental treatment is legal in prison, if it is for the good of the institution. The mentally ill have no “right” to medication or therapy.
Few inmates get mail or contact from their old Church. All their mail has to be by First Class stamp. Much of the Religion inside is of the “Repent Sinner” style. Actual teaching is limited. It is forbidden to have one inmate teach another so personal growth in limited.
CONTACT ME IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE INCLUDED ON THE MONTHLY EMAIL LIST. If you know someone inside send me their name and inside address to be added. Donations to support this ministry always welcome.
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Short hand outs to answer popular questions and deepen understanding, useful for everyone.
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ia Ministry Ideas
This is the beginning of items outside of the Christian Faith
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Http://TheSignOfConcord.comStephen H. Funck
If you want peace, seek justice for all.